پنجاه هزار پاسخ, ده هزار بازدید روزانه در پربیننده ترین سایت زبان- به ما در تلگرام ملحق شوید: @chiMigan

+2 امتیاز
1.2k بازدید
در English to Persian توسط (13.3k امتیاز)
بازنگری شد توسط


I like to cook.

I like cooking.

لطفا تفــــــاوت این دو جمله را با ترجمه خود مشخص نمایید.


در مورد اول کدام ترجمه درست است:


1- من دوست دارم آشپزی کنم.             → .I like to cook

2- من آشپزی کردن را دوست دارم.      → .I like to cook




3 پاسخ

+1 رای
توسط (28.1k امتیاز)
انتخاب شد توسط
بهترین پاسخ

معناشون یکیه و جفتش می‌شه آشپزی را دوست دارم. بعضی جاها نوشته شده که like verbing زمانی به‌کار می‌ره که فرد قبلاً تجربه انجام اون کار رو داشته باشه، ولی like to verb بیشتر زمانی به‌کار می‌ره که فرد اون فعالیت رو انجام نداده هنوز و گمان داره که ازش خوشش بیاد. ولی این نظر هم قطعی نیست، نظرات متفاوته.

اگه بخوای بگی دوست دارم آشپزی کنم باید بگی 

I'd like to cook.



توسط (13.3k امتیاز)
بازنگری شد توسط

جناب عاشق متشکرم

خیلی خوب و فنی توضیح دادید.


پس، آیا نتیجه گیری زیر درست است:


1- من دوست دارم آشپزی کنم.                  .I like to cook   غلـــــط 

2- من آشپزی کردن را دوست دارم.       → .I like to cook   →  درســـت 


توسط (28.1k امتیاز)

شیش هفتا فروم که سؤال مشابهی داشتن رو چک کردم و نظرات رو خوندم، ظاهراً نظر واحدی وجود نداره و برای همین من هم به نتیجۀ قطعی نرسیدم. چند تا از نظرات رو اینجا می‌نویسم:


Generally speaking: 'like+gerund' is British English and 'like+to+infinitive' is American English. In British English, we use both forms, but there is often a subtle difference. If we are talking about activities which we enjoy, we use 'like + gerund' eg I like swimming.
2. You can say "I like to do something or I like doing something; it means the same. But when you talk about your habbies or interests, you usually use the -ing form of the verb after "like".

So it's more idiomatic if you say "I like playing tennis on Tuesdays".

پاسخ به نظر بالا: 

This is not at all correct. They're both equally idiomatic. You might have a personal or dialect preference for one or the other, but it could be the opposite with another person or another dialect.
3. They're both exactly the same. They're both grammatically correct, and they both have the same meaning. There's not even a difference in emphasis! Maybe the version with the infinitive sounds slightly more formal.
4.  "I like doing [whatever]" is the usual way of making a general statement about something you like to do. But "I like to do [whatever]" can be used to mean exactly the same. (It's probably used more in AE than BE.)

5. Some people say they were taught that use of the gerund (doing) means you enjoy an activity, whereas use of the infinitive (to do) means you do that activity for a reason. But this theory simply doesn't hold water.


While there isn't necessarily a difference between them, there could be. I like dancing could mean that you get enjoyment out of dancing (doing it) or that you like to watch people dance, while I like to dance only means that you enjoy dancing (doing it). Having said that, in fact, there is hardly ever any difference between the two. After all, I like watching TV and I like to watch TV are the same. I like swimming and I like to swim are also the same.
7. As a rule, the gerund form will be more real, more concrete, more based on action. The infinitive form will be more hypothetical, more conceptual, less concrete.
I like swimming = more focused on the activity of swimming
I like to swim = more focused on the idea of swimming
8. In BE, we tend to use the gerund for a general state of affairs and the infinitive for specific circumstances:
I like reading. (general state)
I don't like to read in cars. (specific circumstance- it makes me car sick)
9. “I like doing” and “I like to do” are pretty much identical. Possibly with “like doing” there’s a slightly stronger presumption that you are in fact doing the activity, whereas “like to do” is slightly more hypothetical, but I can’t think of a situation in which only one would work.
10. (D) I like living in California.

(E) ?? I like to live in California.

In (D), the speaker does in fact live in California. In (E), which is very strange unless we imagine a special context, it is not clear whether the speaker lives in California at the time of speech. Sentence (E) could be used by someone who relocates regularly and has a habit of sometimes relocating to California.

(F) Would you like to live in California?
(G) ?* Would you like living in California?

In (F), it is clear that the interlocutor does not live in California. Sentence (G) is pretty bad. While it might be possible to imagine a context in which it would not be ungrammatical, in normal contexts it is ungrammatical. With "Would you like . . . ?" questions, we follow "like" with the infinitive, not the gerund.

توسط (13.3k امتیاز)

خیلی زحمت کشیدید. ممنون
The terms "cook" and "cooking" relate to the preparation of food, but they are used in different ways.


Cook (noun): This refers to a person who prepares food. A cook can be a professional chef or someone who prepares meals at home.


Example: "The cook prepared a delicious meal for the guests."

Cook (verb): This is the action of preparing food by applying heat or combining ingredients. It describes the process of making a meal.


Example: "I will cook dinner tonight."

Cooking (noun): This refers to the act or process of preparing food. It encompasses a wide range of techniques, methods, and practices involved in making food.


Example: "I enjoy cooking on the weekends."

In summary, "cook" can refer to a person or the action of making food, while "cooking" specifically refers to the act or process of preparing food.
+1 رای
توسط (70 امتیاز)

I like to cook

ترجیح دادن است و ترجمه شما درست است. 

I like cooking

جمله عمومی و سلیقه یا عادت را نشان می‌دهد. شاید این ترجمه درست باشد: آشپزی را دوست دارم. 

جمله بالا جنرال است.


ببخشید اگر فارسی من ضعیف است. 

توسط (13.3k امتیاز)
جناب English reader متشکرم

خیلی خوب

فارسی تون خیلی هم خوبه و پاسخ تون هم قشنگ.
+1 رای
توسط (31.5k امتیاز)
بازنگری شد پیش توسط
like to do sth  یک) برای وقتیه که شخص ذاتا از انجام دادن کاری لذت می بره و به انجامش هم عادت داره دو) برای وقتی که شخص دوست داره کاری را آنطور یا با شرایطی که خودش می خواد انجام بده که باید به اون شرایط خاص در جمله اشاره بشه. ولی like doing sth علاقه کلیش رو به کاری یا موضوعی بیان می کنه و ممکنه اون کار رو هم انجام نده.

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کلیه محتوای این سایت توسط کاربران در سایت چی‌میگن وارد شده است. حق کپی این مطلب با چی‌ میگن می‌باشد .

هدف اصلی سایت چی میگن کمک به شما در تبدیل جملات فارسی به انگلیسی،
تبدیل اصطلاح های فارسی به اصطلاحات انگلیسی، آموزش انگلیسی چه در کاربرد چه در استفاده روز مره انگلیسی، آشنایی با کاربرد اصطلاحات انگلیسی و همینطور برعکس، پیدا کردن معادل فارسی اصطلاحات تکنیکی انگلیسی است.
