سلام دوستان
A: Hi, how are you. Is Alice there?
B: Speaking. What's up?
A: Why haven't you answered the phone?
B: My bad, I had chores to do.
A: That's all right.
B: What was the reason for your call?
B: What was the reason for your call?
A: I want to do something tomorrow with you.
B: Sounds good.
What did you have in mind?
A: I was thinking about seeing a movie.
ترجمههای ارائه شده در اینتـــــــــــرنت. کدام ترجمه درست است؟
الف: My bad
در اینجا بهترین معادل یا ترجمه برای My bad چیست؟
ب: What was the reason for your call?
1- دلیل تماست چی بود؟
2- چه کار داشتی؟
3- دلیلت برای تماس چی بود؟
ج: What did you have in mind?
1- خوبه. چی در نظر داری؟
2- خوبه ، به چی فکر میکنی؟(پی تو فکرته؟)
3- چه فکری داری؟